International Experience Canada Pool for 2021

If you are looking to work in Canada temporarily, then one of the best methods would be to check if you are a resident of an IEC participant country. The Canadian Government allows passport holders of the International Experience Canada or IEC participant countries to get work permits to stay and work in Canada for specified time limits. Depending upon the permit you have applied for and your requirement, you will be granted a particular permit type. Usually, this work permit should correspond to an ongoing degree that you are pursuing with an institute in Canada or your country. Some of the essential features of the IEC, especially for the year 2021, are as follows:

1. Understanding the requirements of work holiday

When you apply for a working holiday in Canada, it is first necessary to check if your country falls under the list of IEC participants and only then can you apply for a work permit. Additionally, the work holiday quota under which you apply will also depend your country of origin. For example, if you are an Australian passport holder, you have an unlimited quota for a work holiday. So you can be assured that the chances of your application for a work permit to be granted with or without a job offer is higher compared to similar applications from candidates of other countries. But if you have Costa Rican passport, then your work holiday quota is eighty. Hence, it is necessary to check with your embassy and your college regarding the pool and the work permit. You must also ensure that you make it to the pool in the first round of selection, and you do not have to wait for the next IEC season.

2. Understanding the IEC categories

The IEC recruitment occurs under two categories, viz. ‘Young Professionals’ and ‘International Co-op’. The two classes are designed to attract not just two age-group of candidates but also two levels of graduate students. For example, the Young Professionals category is for students who are in their post-secondary years. For such students, gaining professional experience can prove helpful in their careers and can even help them earn some money early only in their educational career. However, the only requirement that the students have to fulfill is that they should be enrolled in an institute in Canada. Similarly, International Co-op Internship is designed for the students enrolled in institutes in their respective countries of citizenship but want to work as interns in Canada. If you apply under International Co-op Internship, then all you have to show is a signed letter of a contract to work as an intern in a firm in Canada. This category is designed to help you gain the job experience you require to progress in your career.

3. Travel restriction in 2021

Given the condition in 2021, the Canadian Government has put forth certain travel restrictions even on IEC candidates. These restrictions, however, are being relaxed to a certain extent if you have proper work permits. If you are already working in Canada on a work holiday permit, you can continue working there till the permit expires. However, it would be best to stay in touch with your embassy if the Canadian Government brings in any new travel restrictions. As per the latest information, only individuals with the proper work permit and who have stayed in quarantine for the requisite amount of time can join work.

Thus, even in the year, 2021 candidates from IEC participant nations can continue to work in Canada, but they have to keep in mind that they follow the necessary protocols.

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