Denied Entry to Canada

Many times, people are denied entry to Canada. There are several reasons which can lead to such a disheartening situation. There are several ways in which a situation can be challenged and changed, however, it is important to know the reason for your denied entry. To comprehend the situation, certified immigration consultants have summarized the most common reasons for visa denial.

Criminal Record from the Past: Be it minor or major, any crime is considered to be illegal in Canada. Drug possession, driving under influence, assault, domestic violence, manslaughter and theft are all considered to be crimes and can result in denial of visa to the country.

Involvement in Human Rights Violations: Any act against humanity like war crimes is considered to be a violation of human rights. In these cases, the visa is denied immediately.

Involvement in Organized Crime: Association with any kind of gangs, mafia, terrorist groups or any other groups that involve in organized crime is a big red flag. 

Medical Issues: Under the Subsection 38(1), the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) can consider people inadmissible based on health grounds. Every applicant has to undergo a medical test. Only upon passing the test is the person considered to be fit for receiving the visa.

Financial Reasons: If you are unable to prove appropriate financial stability for yourself and your family, you will be denied a visa. Entrepreneurs, skilled workers or investors should have suitable income and should not become a burden on the Canadian government during any time of their stay.

Misinterpretation of information: Any important information that was withheld on purpose or a lie told to gain benefit is considered to be a reason enough to hamper your opportunities of going to the country. For instance, if you lied about having a relative in the country or have forged a signature to pass your document, you will be held guilty of misinterpretation. This is applicable for presenting any false information like age, marital status and other vital information. In certain cases, misinterpretation can result in imprisonment for up to 2 years. 

Missing Documents: Not having a valid passport, a traveller’s insurance, or any other required document under the visa program you are applying for can be a reason for denied entry. 

Possible Overstays: If the government suspects overstay i.e. you remain in the country even after your visa expires, you might be denied a visa. Students, travellers, low skilled workers and temporary workers fall under this particular category. It is thus necessary to show the willingness to return to the country promptly after the work is done. If you are going for a longer period of time, you need to show attachment to your country that would require you to return. Unless you convince the visa officer of the same, the chances of getting your visa request denied are high.

Inadmissible Family Member: If you are travelling with a family member who has been acquitted by the law for some reason and is deemed inadmissible by the Immigration officer, your visa can get cancelled too.

Once you have been denied, the next steps depend on the reason for your denial. Find out the cause of denial and get in touch with Canadian immigration specialist who can guide you to take the right steps. Regardless of the denial, you have to make a compelling re-application. The Canadian immigration laws are complex, however, with the right guidance and assistance, you can realise your dreams of staying in the country.

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