IRCC Extends Open Work Permit Pilot till Next Year

The Government of Canada has recently announced the extension of the Open Work Permit Pilot. The Pilot was scheduled to expire on January 31, 2019, but it will be extended till July 31, 2020. Since the start of the program in 2014, this is the fourth extension of the program.


What is the Open Work Permit Pilot Program?

This program is also called the Spousal Sponsorship program. It is a section of the Family Class immigration. This program enables any qualified spouse or common-law partner, who are sponsored under the Spousal And Common-law Partner Sponsorship, to apply for an open work permit.

An open work permit is one that is independent of the employer or job position.


How to Apply for Open Work Permit?

Candidates have to submit a work permit application along with their sponsorship application. Applicants must have valid temporary resident status, either as a visitor, student or worker, and live at the same address as their sponsor, in order to be eligible.

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