Wait ends! Express Entry Draw #171

Wait ends! Express Entry Draw #171 Canada has resumed inviting applicants for the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) through its Express Entry system, marking the first All-Program draw since pandemic restrictions were lifted. The Express Entry draw on January 6, 2021, was the 171st draw in the program’s history, where…

Latest Express Entry sees a drop in CRS score

Latest Express Entry sees a drop in CRS score The latest federal draw for Express Entry was held on March 6, 2019. The minimum Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score for this draw was 454. This is a drop from the cut-off score of 457 used in the previous draw on…

Saskatchewan holds new draw for Express Entry candidates

Saskatchewan holds new draw for Express Entry candidates On February 27, Saskatchewan conducted another draw for its provincial nomination. The SINP issued 83 Invitations to Apply (ITAs) to Express Entry candidates using the EOI system.   What is EOI? EOI serves as ‘pre-application’ in SINP. Candidates have to answer questions…

IRCC Issued a Record Number of EOIs in January

IRCC Issued a Record Number of EOIs in January The Canada Government held its latest draw for Federal Express Entry on January 30, 2019. A total of 3,350 ITAs (Invitations to Apply) were issued in this draw. The minimum Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score for this draw was 438. It…